2011年1月5日 星期三

伙炭 - Teach to Educate 導賞研習計劃


Teach to Educate 導賞研習計劃
伙炭、城市遊學合辦 Co-presented by Fotanian & Travel to Learn in the City

Teach to Educate為伙炭首次對外舉辦的導賞研習計劃,對象為教師及團體活動負責人。計劃為期3日,參加者將先參與基本講座環節,淺談當代藝術欣賞及導賞要項。其後將拜訪12位資深藝術家,深入認識其作品、工作室及創作經驗;並與不同時代負責伙炭開放計劃的藝術工作者見面,分享伙炭十年種種變化歷程。最後參加者需於開放日期間為其所屬團體籌劃並帶領最少一團之導賞團。
Teach to Educate is our first ever project aims specifically at teachers and group organizers. Participants will be invited to attend a seminar which gives advice on contemporary artwork appreciation and tour guiding, then they will be invited to visit the artists involved in the event, gaining a better understanding of their work, studio and experience. In addition, they will have the opportunity to talk to previous Fotanian: Open studios event organizers, sharing their experience of Fotanian and explaining how Fotan itself has transformed through these years. All participants will be required to act as a tour guide for at least one group of visitors from their schools/organizations.

時間:下午 1:00 - 6:00
講座內容 :香港當代藝術環境淺談 - 林東鵬、導賞要項及經驗分享 - 香港藝術館導賞員、伙炭十年漫話 - 何文聰
工作室探訪 :拜訪12位著名藝術家工作室,包括:周俊輝、鄘振禧、石家豪、王天仁、梁嘉賢、鄭淑宜、廖少珍、馬桂順、陳曉筠、李展輝

更多相片:伙炭 - Teach to Educate 導賞研習計劃活動相簿

